Luscious Turmeric Latte


Spring, summer, autumn, winter; this drink is delicious any time, any where!

Turmeric lattes have been trending for a few years now - have you ever tried one?  Well I am going to give you the recipe for categorically one of the best drinks that you will taste in a long time.  But it has so many health benefits and won't set your heart racing like a coffee may (disclaimer I love coffee too, but sometimes I like a little something different and this is the very thing!).

But beware, some cafes are now selling the equivalent of what is complete sugary rubbish - ask for the ingredient list and if it contains any sugars or syrups or HFCS or anything ending in "ose" steer clear - it will be dogey. A good cafe will offer you a side serve of honey, so you know it doesn't contain sweeteners... 

But if you have a good blender( or a Thermomix) have a go at making your own - it will be ready in less time that it takes to wait at that cafe - will be WAY cheaper ( trendy usually means expensive right?) and you can still take it to work in your keep cup. Using the fresh roots and spices is not only going to taste better, but give you far more health benefits as well

so let's just have a chat about what's in this terrific recipe:

  • Turmeric packs a mighty antioxidant punch too - turmeric is known for it's health promoting properties: It even kills cancer cells in vitro (which means in a test tube). It is also high in beta carotene, has anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant effects and can strengthen your immune system. What's not to love about this amazing root. To learn more about the benefits of turmeric, click here

  • Ginger isanti-inflammatory and warming, is a digestive ( stimulates all your digestive juices!), gets rids of pesky parasites and helps with flatulence and wind. Cardamom is it's close cousin and has similar uses to ginger.

  • Cinnamon is also lovely and warming, helps you stabilise your blood sugar and can help with sugar cravings. It is therefore agreat herb to take if you are diabetic.

  • Vanilla is my favourite herbs of all time - it tastes amazing, helps modulate our immune systems - this means it will ramp it up if it is a bit sluggish, or even tone it down if it is hyperactive (as in autoimmunity) and it can even control cholesterol

So what are you waiting for? Give this amazing drink a go..



This makes enough for 2 serves

  • 2 cm turmeric fresh, peeled or scrubbed clean

  • 2 cm ginger fresh, peeled

  • 1 cinnamon quill ( If you have a Thermomix™ ) or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon raw honey or real maple syrup

  • 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil

  • 500 grams milk of choice, (full cream, almond, rice or coconut milk all taste splendid)

  • 2 cardamom pods

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • pinch black pepper.


turmeric latte.jpg
  1. Add fresh ginger and turmeric and cardamom pods to your blender ( I use my Thermomix™ ) blend until completely ground ( This is about 5 seconds / speed 7. Scrape down sides of bowl.

  2. Transfer to a saucepan, add remaining ingredients and cook a until well warmed through. If you have a Thermomix™ you can leave it in there and can just cook on 90 degrees for approx 5 minutes on speed2- 3.

  3. Transfer liquid back into blender and blend on high for a further 1 minute. In the Thermomix™ it should only take 30 seconds or so on speed 9.

  4. Strain the milk through a sieve into a mug.

  5. Enjoy- I love sprinkling the top with ground cinnamon or Chai spice.

NB - this recipe is for enjoyment only - any advice given is for interest alone and should not be construed as medical advice o r use to treat any health condition.

If in doubt consult your health professional of choice.


Alexandra ~naturopath, nutritonist, herbalist ~


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