Sprouts From Scratch
Fresh sprouts - filled with vitamin C and plant protein. Add such a crunch to your salads
Do you like sprouts?
Do you NOT like the ridiculous price tag on these things?
Well they are so very easy to grow with no fancy schmancy kit required - I use an empty ghee jar with holes drilled in the lid - and yes I did that all by myself - thanks to my cordless drill called "Clark"
But if you don't have one of these, a nail and hammer also works - its just little trickier
I used organic mung beans, but most work OK ( please note, some non-organic legumes may have been irradiated, so may actually not work ~ play it safe and use organic)
Wash an rinse and empty glass jar and drill some holes in the lid
Add beans
Soak in some filtered water overnight - they should visibly swell
Drain well through the “holey” lidWe all know that most legumes offer a powerful source of vitamins, minerals antioxidants and enzymes.
And just by Soaking and sprouting substantially increases the fibre content, and deactivates the lectin coat which can lead to increased gut permeability.
The vitamins are also better absorbed ~ they are high in A, B, C and E, and essential fatty acid.
Sprouts alkalise the body and help support cell regeneration.
Win, win on all accounts.
Add more water, rinse the beans well - gently - you don’t want to damage the delicate germinating area. Drain again - you may need to twirl the jar gently
Lay the jar horizontally on a window sill, out of direct light
Repeat this daily until you have your sprouts!
Once sprouted, store in your fridge - use in a few days
DELISH! I always have 2 jars going so I don’t run out!
As you can see - my holes will not win an engineering award!
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