our practitioners
PRINCIPAL PRACTITIONER + Owner of Healing Hands Natural Health Centre
Clinical Nutritionist specialising in Metabolic Balance
Registered Nurse (non-practicing)
I am so glad you have found your way to me. Join me and learn more about how to optimise your health.
Through the power of food, personalised targeted nutritional supplementation and lifestyle modification, you can transform your health from blah to amazing.
My experience in acute care medicine as an Intensive Care and Anaesthetic Nurse cultivated my understanding of human physiology and my passion for health. Now, as a Clinical Nutritionist and Metabolic Balance Practitioner, I am now helping people prevent health crises one mouthful at a time.
AS A NURSE, I ALWAYS THOUGHT OF MYSELF AS ‘HEALTHY’.But, looking back on myself then, I was far from it.
I have always battled with acne, getting deep cystic breakouts. I have also dealt with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), perioral dermatitis, depression, bloating, food sensitivities and thyroid dysfunction.
Although I have really been mindful of my health since falling pregnant with my son (which is when I gave up smoking and drinking regularly), I was still just ‘not quite right’.
Like many of you out there, I experimented with various dietary ideas like gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo and keto. But each time I started a new pattern of eating, I would feel amazing for a week or two, then crash and burn. I also tried Roaccutane for my skin, which gave me some improvements, but I still didn’t have happy skin and a happy body.
As I finished my studies as a Clinical Nutritionist, I was offered the Metabolic Balance® Program to once and for all settle my health problems. I was skeptical, having spent the last 7 years battling with different ‘diets’ and supplement regimes and really achieving nothing but a lot of wasted $$$.
Fast forward a few years, here I am, feeling the best I have felt in my adult life. I am no longer fatigued. My brain actually works. My body feels strong.
Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition)
Metabolic Balance Practitioner
Bachelor of Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Intensive Care Nursing)
ATMS Student of the Year 2021